Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Winter Forecast

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! Somewhere in the academic madness I am still finding the energy to be ridiculously excited about the Christmas season. Oh, there's plenty to be Eeyore about, but I'm just not doin' it. I refuse!!! There's just too much amazing in the world to get so wrapped around negative stuff. This is pretty new for me, especially considering the road I have taken to get here, but I am so thankful. I love when the long, hard, underground work of the Lord begins to surface and changes everything. So, this holiday season, for me, carries with it optimism, Christmas spirit, and SNOW!

I did finish one of my group projects (the paper), only to have the professor replace it with another one! Pfft. Whatever. It's a smaller project and I'm just gonna knock it out and be done. There's no final in that class, so once it's done...The. End. Next week are my two monstrous presentations (one more so than the other), so from now until then = major prep time. Then come the finals. But, my diligence in mapping out the semester early is paying off here at the end. And I haven't procrastinated, so things are still flowing smoothly, despite the amount of work it has taken and still needs to be done.

So, less than three weeks to go, lots of work ahead of me, but hey, FA LA LA LA LA!!! I will not forget to revel in the most amazing season of the year. This is the celebration of my Jesus stepping out of eternity and into humanity to save the people He loves so much from overwhelming darkness and hopelessness. How can that not fill me with light and love? It just does. I hope you will be reminded of His love for you over and over this holiday season. Merry Christmas indeed!!!

Love to you,