School is trucking along. This semester has started out ROUGH and I found myself floundering much more so than any of the other semesters. I am taking the hardest class I've had so far with a HUGE workload and multiple group projects. I've felt very scattery and unorganized, and that freaks me out. Jason thinks that it's also due to some burnout after pretty much two straight years of school without much of a break. He's probably right. BUT, I am feeling better about things now. It's still a lot, but I think I'm finally finding my rhythm.
What else? Our life group is going great. We are finishing up our rounds of testimonies this week and are going to move into direct leadership training in the next couple of weeks. I am excited to dig into the guts of what makes a leader. Our church has stuff in the works, too, to help out life group leaders and I am excited to see where that goes.
So, overall, things are pretty good. I am just trying to find balance in all things, but I've settled into the belief that the process is just going to be a life-long one. It's kind of like balancing a broomstick on one finger. It takes a lot of constant, little adjustments, but it's doable.
My recommended reading: Psalm 91. It's delicious.
P.S. Happy birthday to my little brother!!!